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Custom Art

Want a unique look for your home or business? Ceramic Design will work with you to create a completely custom piece of any size. A mosaic structure or wall provides a personal touch to any home, business or landscape. If you have an idea for a specific project or just an area that is in need of enhancement, please contact us, we look forward to working with you.

Here are some commissioned pieces that we have created:

Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece
Mosaic Sun   House Numbers   Peace Sign with Mermaid, Dolphin and Turtle Mosaic

Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece
Flower Mosaic in Frame

Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece
Backyard Mural (click to enlarge)

Transform your old, tired out furniture into something fabulous!
Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece   Ceramic Design Commissioned Piece
Table - Before   Table - After

Email: moraga01@roadrunner.com
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